Ramji Tiwari and his sister, Parvati, had their parents pass away at an early age. Ramji is a skilled cook and is familiar with all aspects of vegetarian cooking. He arranges Parvati's marriage with the Mishra family, promises to pay a large sum of dowry, which he manages to get by promising to get married to a wealthy man's daughter.

Release Date : Sep 02, 2005

Genres : , ,

Production Company : Motion Pictures Partners International

Production Countries : India

Original Language : हिन्दी

Casts : R. Madhavan, Samita Bangargi, Satish Shah, Raj Zutshi, Akhilendra Mishra, Abha Parmar, Aditya Lakhia, Amitabh Bachchan

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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