Modesty Blaise, a secret agent whose hair color, hair style, and mod clothing change at a snap of her fingers is being used by the British government as a decoy in an effort to thwart a diamond heist. She is being set up by the feds but is wise to the plot and calls in sidekick Willie Garvin and a few other friends to outsmart them. Meanwhile, at his island hideaway, Gabriel, the diamond thief has his own plans for Blaise and Garvin.

Release Date : May 01, 1966

Genres : , , ,

Production Company : 20th Century Fox

Production Countries : United Kingdom

Original Language : العربية, Nederlands, English, Français, Italiano, Deutsch

Casts : Monica Vitti, Terence Stamp, Dirk Bogarde, Harry Andrews, Michael Craig, Clive Revill, Alexander Knox, Rossella Falk, Scilla Gabel, Michael Chow, Saro Urzì

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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