In a white hot flash of light, and with no warning, one minute our moon is there, the next it's gone. Then, a second flash. And that's the last thing anyone on Earth can remember. 11 months later, it's not post- apocalyptic; it's apocalyptic as Earth has been sucked through a wormhole, literally ripping our planet from the inside out. With bizarre disasters and civilization collapsing, our heroes must find a way to survive and get to "safe ground" before it's too late.

Release Date : Mar 05, 2016

Genres : ,

Production Company : CineTel Films

Production Countries : United States of America

Original Language : English

Casts : Alexa Mansour, Tonya Kay, Andrew J Katers, Evan Sloan, Detra Hicks, Kelcey Watson, Jose Rosete, Gabriel Del Vecchio, Brian Krause, Kris Mayeshiro, Mark Rimer

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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